High Tension Wires- Welcome New Machine LP ~EX RIVERBOAT GAMBLERS / MARKED MEN!
High Tension Wires- Welcome New Machine LP. The High Tension Wires are a veritable Texas supergroup including Mike Wiebe (Riverboat Gamblers), Mark Ryan (Marked Men/Mind Spiders), Chris Pulliam (The Reds), plus Daniel Fried and Greg Rutherford (both of Bad Sports). ‘Welcome New Machine’ is a perfect synthesis of the High Tension Wires previous 2 albums. It rocks as hard as ‘Send A Message’ while incorporating the nuances they began developing on ‘Midnight Cashier’. A fair amount of ground is covered here from the Marked Men's trademark choppy, punchy power pop; to mid-tempo punk rock to darker-edged post punk tunes with a new-wavey sheen. It’s all here fired off with Mike Wiebe's seemingly endless front of unusually, interesting lyrics across 12 smolding tracks. And one of the highlights of this album is a stunning Teengenerate-style garage punk ripper sung by the vocally talented Mark Ryan.
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Lovesores- Gods Of Ancient Grease LP ~BRONZE BUNDLE W/ PINK WAX + BRONZE DIE-CUT PIN!
The Streetwalkin' Cheetahs- One More Drink LP ~RAINBOW SPLATTER SPECIAL EDITION LIMITED TO 100!
Los Angeles' the Streetwalkin' Cheetahs spew a raw, undistilled slab of sweet ‘n nasty sonic tonic on their 7th studio album 'One More Drink'. The Cheetahs reignite the raw Detroit sounds of the the Stooges and fellow down under countrymen Radio Birdman blasting through 11 red-hot tracks of over-amplified nihilism showing even further dexterity in the world of thick riffs and song writing versatility. ‘One More Drink’ sounds like the good kind of mid 70’s pre-punk Riff 'n Roll record hopped-up on a heavy dose of classic 80's, white lightnin’ radio Rock. They mix an absolutely perfect Rock 'n Roll cocktail here...
Colored Vinyl / Limited Editions
Thunderroads- Thunder City Burning LP ~SPECIAL EDITION WHITE WAX LTD TO 100!